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Backpacking Cougar
If I haven't been there's on my list!
58 and feeling the fear and doing it anyway...

Feel the fear and do it anyway
travel light
take risks

Don't let life Stump you....
Once you become a parent your life is forever altered and life as you have known it becomes a distant memory. Your financial...

Adjusting my crown.....
On my grumpy days I am a self-confessed misandrist. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, let me save you the trouble of...

Follow your North Star to purpose....
Those who know me well are aware that I am always either up to my eyeballs in a shit fight solving the problems of the world , or off on...

Finding the silver lining...
Its been a crazy old week and the good thing about life is that regardless of highs or lows, its always about maintaining a healthy...

Trust synchronicity - it may just be a sign!
I’ve never been that good at following directions. I don’t even open the manuals that come with new appliances or gadgets , I don’t...

The grass is always greener....
I had the most confronting experience yesterday , and because I believe there are no coincidences in life I have been processing it all...

Crystal ball gazing....
It was all happening down at the Tinwald hall yesterday morning and at 10 am parking spaces were already at a premium in the sleepy...

Fit as hell and feisty to boot...
I first noticed Alejandra poolside at the hotel in Colonial. You could tell she was a woman of substance just by looking at her. She was...

Until somebody shits and giggles ....
Continued from yesterdays rantings of Its all shits and giggles! When the door wouldn’t open on the toilet, Penny started to panic and...
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