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Backpacking Cougar
If I haven't been there's on my list!
58 and feeling the fear and doing it anyway...

Feel the fear and do it anyway
travel light
take risks

Teaching an old dog new tricks ….
I’ve been in recovery mode for the last couple of weeks following the involuntary dismount from my equine friend Benjamin Button, (BBB as...

Sometimes shit just happens....
Sometimes, despite the best efforts of mice and men, shit just happens. A pessimist will tell you it’s a sign, an optimist will always...

Age versus Experience?
It’s a miserable morning here in Sydney and I’m still running on kiwi time so despite the fact its only 530am here, three days ago I...

Leaving on a Jet Plane....
Leaving on a Jet Plane Four more sleeps and counting… How long it seems that we have all been waiting for the worlds borders to open up...

Motherless daughters.....
Emotions of any sort can be so bloody unpredictable and even the most stoic of people can get caught out unaware. Tears can well up in...

Down on the farm....
It's been a full-on week here at the Estanscia, and at a time when most folks are off enjoying a long weekend and scouting for chocolate...

Don't let life Stump you....
Once you become a parent your life is forever altered and life as you have known it becomes a distant memory. Your financial...

Trouble in the fowl house
I'm a bugger for punishment and a bit of a slow learner in some things. I’ve sworn never to have anything with nuts on the property again...

Adjusting my crown.....
On my grumpy days I am a self-confessed misandrist. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, let me save you the trouble of...

A life of organised chaos...
Sometimes I liken living with myself like traveling through the Bermuda Triangle.
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