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In search of three wise men?

We dont really ever change, we just get better or worse at the things we have always done so Im not surprised that a day and a half out from my next departure I am scouring the house for my passport! Its the most essential piece of luggage when you are traveling, and the angst it is causing me currently trying to locate it is taking the gloss off my impending trip somewhat.

Back in August, I had a rush of blood to the head and decided to go away somewhere over the Xmas break. Ive already been away this year , but frustrated at the lack of lifestyle blocks on the market suitable for me I couldnt possibly see anything happening before xmas so I impulsively jumped online and booked a short excursion to the Middle East over the holiday period. Im not big on Xmas. When you are on your own, its always a reminder of exactly that. Despite the fact I have great kids and friends, every one has their own sort of obligations to fill over Xmas, and it usually ends up a big cluster fuck for a lot of people trying to be in 15 places at once. I have been known to romp overseas at this time in previous years to avoid all that stress and this year is no exception. On Thursday I will board that big bird (after I have found the passport) and fly to Israel to join my old mate Viv on a tour that will see us take in the highlights of Israel and Jordan.

Im definatley not relegious - more agnostic than atheist, but I thought if there was ever a chance of me running into the late JC , it would probably be in his homeland around his birthday celebrations? I will turn 55 a few days after him so maybe we will charge our glasses if we meet in Bethlehem or while I am wallowing in the dead sea?

Who knows what will happen as I try and avoid the protestors in Hong Kong as I power trip around there overnight enroute to Tel Aviv but I am sure my trip will be action packed as always. I will be blogging my way around the odd kubbitz, exploring Petra, Galilee, Jerusalem and many of those other places that the good book talks about and I am looking forward to it. Watch this space.



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I love to travel and get out and about - time and finances permitting.  Most of my adventures these days are solo, with a backpack and on a budget - a far cry from the trips of years ago when I  used to  tell myself "money I have got, time I haven't!", as I swanned into some swanky four star plus establishment and ordered myself a tall G&T.

About Me

50 something, dreaming about living the dream......every day above the ground is a good one because you are a long time looking at the lid!

(C) Needagilrd

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